Accounting Task Force: QBO Sales Receipts

How should Novi address the updates QuickBooks made to sales receipts?

Wednesday, May 10, 2023
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM (EDT)
Join us on Zoom
Category: Roundtables
Calling all Novi accountants and bookkeepers:

QuickBooks recently changed the way they handle customer names on sales receipts.

Historically, the platform required a customer name on every transaction. This is no longer the case. This may seem like a small change, but it could have a big impact.

Join us for an open discussion about how you envision Novi responding to this update. We'll go over how QuickBooks has changed and why it's important to Novi's processes.  Ultimately, we would like your input into how we may adjust our own code based on their changes.

Any Novi customer is invited.

Please note that this event is listed in Eastern Time.

Novi Moderators:

Pete Zimek headshot

Pete Zimek
Founder & CEO,
Novi AMS 

Jaime Morgan
Senior CX Specialist,
Novi AMS