Getting logged in to Novi Exchange!

Novi Exchange,

Getting Started With Novi Exchange

Novi Exchange, our customer online community is a great way to connect with other Novi customers, share Novi knowledge and ask other customers for their tips, tricks, and advice. Let's get started.

1. Login

If you haven't already, log in to this website, Novi HQ.

HQ Login

2. Opt-In

Go to your profile tab in the member compass, and select "Yes!" to being a part of Novi Exchange. Feel free to update your profile at the same time. These updates will push over to your profile in Novi Exchange.

Opt in via member compass

3. Log in to Exchange

We have a single sign-on (SSO) with Novi Exchange. Once you are logged in here and opt-in, head to Novi Exchange and click the login button and you should be all set!

Homepage for Novi Excahge

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