Feature Demo: Novi Census

Learn all about creating and sending a Census!

Thursday, January 30, 2025
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM (EST)
Join Us Virtually
Category: Roundtables

One of our most highly requested features is here: Novi Census! 

How often do you reach out to members with their current profile data and ask them if it's up to date? How long does it take you to create those emails, do all the follow up, and often update member's profiles on their behalf?

Voted as the #1 "You Decide the Future" feature at Novi Summit 2024, we're proud to announce Novi Census!

With Novi Census, you'll be able to present members with specific profile fields and ask them to edit or confirm each one, so that you'll have confidence that their records are up to date, dues rules will calculate correctly, and directories have the best information.

Join us in this demo to learn, ask questions, and prepare your team for the new features!

Screenshot Preview: Optional admin review of a submitted Census form.


January 30
1:00 PM - 1:30 PM Feature Demo
1:30 PM - 2:00 PM Best Practice Sharing with Q&A
Please note that all Roundtables are listed in Eastern Time.



Melisa Smith
Director of Product Quality
Novi AMS