Reporting: Novi User Feedback

Help us design better reports.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (EDT)
2 Seats Remaining
2 Seats Remaining
Category: Roundtables

Our engineers are about to take a take dive into the way Novi handles reporting.  Please join our focus group session to help guide our work.

Specifically, we'd like to know:

  • What frustrates you?
  • What's too hard?
  • What info is missing?
  • What reports are you asked for that you have trouble generating?
  • Do you find yourself routinely downloading a set of data to Excel to manually manipulate?
  • Are there year over year or other period over period reports that could provide insights?
2 Seats Remaining
2 Seats Remaining

For More Information:

Pete Zimek

Pete Zimek


Founder & CEO, Novi AMS