Novi Roundtable: Virtual Events

Part 2 - Let's chat more about hosting virtual events.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM (EST)
Category: Roundtables

We're back for more! There was so much to talk about during our November roundtable on Virtual Events, we simply couldn't fit in all of the information and get to all the questions from everyone.

Everyone's had to adapt to hosting virtual events and meetings - what are some things you've learned along the way?  

At roundtables, Novi Customers share their experiences, best practices, tips, tricks, and, on occasion, even some examples of what not to do! Join us to share with other customers and ask questions! 

Please note that all Roundtables are listed in Eastern Time.

Krystal Humphrey, BAAA

Jaime Morgan, Novi AMS

For More Information:

Reach out to us on Intercom.