Novi Roundtable: Growing Membership & Managing Prospects
Whether you've seen an increase or decrease in membership so far this year, you're bound to have learned something! Maybe you had a membership drive that was successful or you had a member referral campaign that was a flop.
We'll discuss:
- What lessons have you learned in membership drives?
- How do you track your prospects?
- What tips and tricks have you learned along the way to convey value to potential new members?
Bring your successes and your lessons learned to share with other association professionals! This think-tank style roundtable will inspire you with new ideas, educate you on what other associations are doing, and provide an opportunity to ask the advice of other association professionals.
Our roundtable content is driven by your questions and tips. Plan to participate, share, and learn from other associations.
As a CAE Approved Provider educational program related to the CAE exam content outline, this program may be applied for 1 credit toward your CAE application or renewal professional development requirements.
Please note that all Roundtables are listed in Eastern Time.
Kara Mayner
Accounting & Membership Coordinator, WiM
Jenn Norman
Director of Customer Experience, Novi AMS