Novi Roundtable: Constant Contact Drip Campaigns

Automate your marketing with drip campaigns!

Wednesday, September 20, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (EDT)
Join us on Zoom
Category: Roundtables
Please note that all Roundtables are listed in Eastern Time.

Join us for our September roundtable part 2... Constant Contact Drip Campaigns! Share/learn tips and best practices for drip campaigns in Constant Contact from your industry peers.

This is a great chance to automate your workflows so that you have more time to serve your membership.

Topics Covered:

  • Using Novi Groups to Segment your Membership for Drip Campaigns
  • How to Best Use Drip Campaigns for Member Engagement
  • Drip Campaign Monitoring and Refinement
  • Improve your Sender Score with CC's Built in Tools

Our roundtables are attendee-driven with your questions and tips driving the content! Roundtables are a chance for our customers to connect with one another, and we don't want it to feel like a webinar. Plan to participate!


Charles Stanisce
Customer Growth Strategist, Novi AMS

For More Information:

Reach out to us on Intercom.