Novi Roundtable: Tips and Tricks with Custom Reports and Groups

Let's see your creativity in custom reporting & groups!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM (EDT)
Category: Roundtables

We've seen our clients use groups and custom reporting in very powerful ways.  

Groups are used:

  1. To sync to MailChimp and/or Constant Contact for email marketing
  2. To lock down content (blog/news categories, static webpages, etc.)
  3. To lock down certain pricing (event tickets, products, etc.).

Reports are a powerful tool for finding detailed information on membership or event fields. With close to 2,000 fields available, the customization is incredible.

During this roundtable, we'll base our discussions around these questions, so be prepared to share!

  • What are some custom reports your organization uses regularly? 
  • What are some custom group examples set up at your organization?
  • How does your organization utilize the group features?




Hosted By:  

  Jaime Morgan, Novi Customer Success Specialist

  Melisa Smith, Novi Customer Success Manager

Please note that all Novi Roundtables are listed in Eastern Time.

For More Information:

Reach out to us on Intercom.